College Bound: Admission Prep Program

Guidance. Insight. Inspiration
In each of our programs you will have access to our expert guidance, our insight and inspiration necessary to get you where you want to go. Click here to read more about how Access College and Career Planning works.
We offer Zoom, in-person, phone or email follow up and support.
College Planning
In the blink of an eye, your child has gone from learning to tie shoes to thinking about college. You’ve worked hard to prepare your student for college.
From choosing good schools to checking homework, teaching the rewards of hard work, and persistence: college planning is where you bring it all together and run for the gold.
College Search
The college search begins with helping students identify their preferences, goals, achievements, and personal success qualities. To reduce concern around GPA and scores, we keep students focused on the college’s objective of admitting students who have character and personality, not perfection.
We offer two plans/ packages. Click to read more.
College Prep
College admission is no longer based on meeting benchmarks, particularly at selective colleges. A thorough evaluation of a student’s entire experience takes place in the admissions office and applications need to reflect multiple aspects of the student’s record.
The teen years are a time of separation from family and identifying with one’s peer group as a giant step in finding one’s identity. After years of sharing similar taste in clothes, hair, activities, or music, colleges ask for more.
Come senior year of high school and college applications want the student to tell them how they are different from the others, how they are unique. This is a difficult task for adults, let alone for not-yet- adults.
For 8th Graders, Freshmen & Sophomores
Start planning in 8th grade to help build a balanced portfolio of rich experiences and strong academics that lays the groundwork for college and career success.

How We Work
Access College and Career Consultants offers focused planning for strategic advantage. Choose Early Start, College Prep programs, or create your own package from the College Advantage a la carte options. Services that are billed hourly can be purchased in discounted bundles of five or ten hours. I work via Zoom, phone, and email. Read more about how I work, click here.
Let’s Get Started
If you’re ready to commit to a bright future, click here to connect with us and let’s get started.