50% Of All Workers Are Part Of The Gig Economy. Should You Be, Too?
Many workers want full-time gig work to create a balance between work and other aspects of their lives and many more earn extra money doing something they love.
Here are 10 ways that young workers can benefit from this lucrative segment of the economy.
1) Your work hours can be flexible. If you’re a night owl you can shift your work hours to match your biorhythms or use time off for interviews.
2) You may be able to work from anywhere.
3) The jobs you take on can be different from each other, allowing you to gain experience in a variety of aspects of your trade.
4) Many jobs are short term or could be one project long. If you don’t like an employer or a task, you know that there is a defined end to the job.
5) Gig work is an opportunity to try out a career that you’re not certain is the one for you.
6) Within industry standards, you get to set your own fees. As you gain experience your income can rise rapidly.
7) Think of gigs as a paid internship.
8) You can vary the kind of job you look for to round out your portfolio and create great resume material.
9) Gigging builds a network. Each contact and person hiring you is a potential recommender and reference.
10) Portfolio work forces you to learn how to promote yourself and sell your skills to anyone hiring. You need to understand how to do this, even more, when ready to work full time for one company or individual.