It’s decision time. Colleges have notified the students they have admitted, or will in the next few days. The wait has seemed endless and everyone wants to have the decision and deposit made.
Here is some ammunition to support your need to make a good choice without second-guessing, anxiety, or fear of making the wrong pick.
First, know that the college doesn’t educate you, you do that for yourself. Dedicate yourself to learning all that you can and to acquiring the skills employers want regardless of your college or major.
Remember that very few students, even those who know which career they want to prepare for actually graduate in the major they declare on their application. There are so many more options that will grab your attention than you can imagine now. You may end up in a completely different field of study than the one you are passionate about today.
Second, college is about growing and exploring yourself and the world. That you will change over the next four years is inevitable; you would change if you sat at home watching Netflix. You can’t predict who you will meet or how they will affect you. New directions will present themselves for your perusal through the friendships and professors on your campus. This will happen where ever you go. Don’t waste time trying to figure out if one set of people will be “better” than another. Your willingness to engage is what matters.
Third, you chose to apply to this set of colleges for specific reasons. Those reasons are still valid. Visit the schools that chose you over many others to see how you feel about each one. You will adapt to the college you attend and you will change that institution by being part of the campus. Take a deep breath and know that your choice will be the right one. Don’t look back, keep moving forward!
Give me a call so we can talk through making a choice starting with the criteria and assumptions you had at the beginning of the process. You’ll feel much better when we finish. 610-212-6679 or
Access College and Career Consultants help students and families through the maze of college search, applications, essays and more. Call/text 610-212-6679 or email to discuss how we can help you navigate the college process.