5 Tips For Interview Prep

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The best way to have calm nerves when facing an interview is to begin preparing before you get the call. These 5 are proven and professional.

1. Like a politician, have your talking points ready. Know your strengths as they relate to the position and your ability to do the job. Have anecdotes prepared that show your past performance at these tasks.

2. Your talking points are stories and anecdotes that show your past successes and ability to meet the needs of the role you are interviewing for. At a college interview you will show how you will add to the campus culture through your interests and high school experiences.

3, Know who the interviewers will be. Google them to find commonalities that will make them more familiar and give you points for small talk at the beginning of the interview. For students, learn if the interviewer is a graduate of the college and prepare a couple of questions to ask about that experience.

4. Know before you go. The more you know about the role, company and industry the better prepared you will be and the more confident you will feel. The job-and the college admission-go to the one who can demonstrate their fit. The only way to do that is to know more than the other candidates!

5. Follow your answer with questions that give the interviewer the opportunity to explain more about the job or company. Good questions are “What are your top priorities for the person you hire?” or “What do you think first year students should prioritize during the first few weeks on campus?” You will appear savvy and make the interview more conversational. A definite stress-buster!

It doesn’t hurt to write down some of the questions you think the interviewer will ask and practice with someone asking them. Practice getting the information you want the interviewer to know into your conversation to avoid the head-slapping realization that you missed opportunities to sell your best qualities.

I’m ready to practice with you and have dozens of questions we can prep. Stephanie@accessguidance.com or 610-212-6679

Access College and Career Consultants helps new graduates and people of all ages find a career that matches your skills and talent.  Call/text 610-212-6679 or email to discuss how we can help you find the job you’ll love and that you’ll love to keep!